Christian Louboutin Red Sole Shoes Titi 120 Panama Straw Pumps
$ 475
Compare US4-UK2.5-EU35 / US5-UK3.5-EU36 / US6-UK4.5-EU37 / US7-UK5.5-EU38 / US8-UK6.5-EU39 / US9-UK7.5-EU40 / US10-UK8.5-EU41
Christian Louboutin Red Sole Shoes Titi 120 Panama Straw Pumps
Beige Panama straw-covered leather peep-toe pumps with a heel that measures approximately 120mm / 4.5 inches with a 10mm / 0.5 inch platform. Christian Louboutin pumps have a textured finish, a signature red sole and simply slip on. Recently Christian Louboutin Girl Cruise have became a very hot topic there are so many newspaper,TV and radio have reported that her father-Hollywood superstar Tom cruise have spent 3000 US Dollars to invite Mr.Christian Louboutin to customize a pair of shoes for her daughter. Whether youre looking for bridal shoes, evening shoes, or a pair of sexy high heels,Nothing compares to Christian Louboutin sale sexy shoes or sexy high heels to complete your look. A pair of sexy high heels or sexy shoes, like stiletttos or some sandals can make something as simplage as an ordinary pair of jeans look great.
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